Study on the Method of Particle Simulation of Interaction between Charged Particles and Fileds 带电粒子与场互作用中粒子模拟方法研究
Electric current: Movement of electric charge carriers. Study on the Method of Particle Simulation of Interaction between Charged Particles and Fileds 电流:带电亚原子粒子、离子或空穴等荷电粒子的运动。带电粒子与场互作用中粒子模拟方法研究
Once a particle has been detached, it must be entrained before it can bew transported away. The waves eat into them only when they are charged with sand or pebbles. 颗粒一旦分离,它必然被挟带,然后被输移。只有挟带沙砾和碎石的波浪,才起侵蚀作用。
Particle beam weapons, based on charged orneutral particles, to affect biological targets; 粒子束武器,基于带电或不带电例子,以影响生物目标;
Numerical analysis of charged particle collection on charged droplets. 荷电雾滴表面带电尘粒捕集的数值分析。
The energy of a particle or system of particles derived from position, or condition, rather than motion. A raised weight, coiled spring, or charged battery has potential energy. 粒子或粒子系统因其位置或状态而非运动而具有的能量。举起的重物、压紧的弹簧或充了电的电池都具有势能。
Computation simulation of EM parameters of LDT-epoxy disperse systems Study on the Method of Particle Simulation of Interaction between Charged Particles and Fileds 超细颗粒/环氧体系电磁参量的计算及数值模拟带电粒子与场互作用中粒子模拟方法研究
The numerical analysis indicates that cation concentration visibly increases due to a particle negative charged attraction, on the other hand, anion concentration reduces due to charged repel. 数值分析表明:由于黏土颗粒表面负电荷的作用,阳离子浓度明显升高,阴离子浓度则明显降低;
Hawking Effect of the Dirac Particle in Spherically Symmetric Nonstatic Charged Space Time 球对称带电时空中Dirac粒子的Hawking效应
The Mechanism of Particle Charged in Pulse Corona Discharge Dedusting 脉冲电除尘粒子荷电机制
The results of the numerical simulation and experiments show that the particle cloud model reasonably describes the motion of the charged particles. 数值模拟和实验结果的对比表明,颗粒群模型合理地描述了荷电颗粒的运动特性。
In this paper, we discuss the connection between the charged particle current and the displacement current, by analyzing the magnetic-field cause of single charged particle move. 本文通过对单个带电粒子运动产生的磁场的分析,提供一种理解位移电流与带电粒子流的一致性的直观方式。
Based on the different mechanisms of particle's dispersion and the response to the turbulence, a Fokker Planck equation for charged particle's motion was established to describe the deposition velocity around a cylinder in electrostatic dusting. 基于颗粒的扩散特性和颗粒对流体湍流脉动响应的不同机理,以圆柱为模拟目标物,建立了静电喷粉沉积过程中荷电颗粒随机位移的概率密度分布函数所满足的Fokker-Planck方程。
Non-linear oscillation of a charged particle in a uniformly charged circle 均匀带电圆环内点电荷的非线性振荡
By the dust particle charged theory, the test study on the main technical performance of four types of corona polars is carried, the best polar matching form of horizontal ESP is approached. 运用粉尘粒子荷电原理,对四种电晕极的主要技术性能进行了试验研究,探讨了卧式电除尘器的最佳极配形式。
Combining research results and theoretical analysis, this thesis presented the application project and feasibility analysis on the technology of submicron particle agglomeration enhanced by charged droplets. 综合研究结果和理论分析,对水雾感应荷电技术的工业应用进行了应用方案的设计。
Then describe the specific process of the particle simulation method that we used, including the plasma initialization process, the motion of the charged particles at the presence of magnetic field, besides the one-dimensional, two-dimensional case under the weight distribution and the Poisson equation solving process. 接着介绍了我们所采用的粒子模拟方法的具体流程。其中包括等离子体初始化过程,带电粒子在外磁场情况下的具体推动过程,以及一维、二维情况下权重分配和泊松方程的求解过程。